Human Evolution

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Featured Hominins

*  Kenyanthropus platyops

       3.5 mya Hominid from Kenya

* Australopithecus anamensis

       4.2-3.9 mya Hominid from Kenya


Fossil Hominin Approximate Timeline



Human Evolution Links

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(These include not only sources used for information found on the web site, but also additional sources relating to the topics discussed on the page.)


Coffing, K., C. Feibel, M. Leakey, and A. Walker. 1994. Four-million-year-old hominids from east Lake Turkana, Kenya.  American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 93:  55-65.

Heinrich, R., M. Rose, R. Leakey, and A. Walker. 1993. Hominid radius from the Middle Pliocene of Lake Turkana, Kenya.  American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 92:139-148.

Johanson, D., and B. Edgar. 1996. From Lucy To Language.  New York: Simon and Schuster Editions.

Krause, L (2001): New Face Added To Humankind’s Family Tree.  National Geographic News, March 22, 2001.

Leakey, M. 1995. “The farthest horizon.”  National Geographic Magazine, 188:38-51.

Leakey, M., C. Feibel, I. McDougall, and A. Walker. 1995. New four-million-year-old species from Kanapoi and Allia Bay, Kenya. Nature, 376:565-571.

Leakey M., Spoor F., Brown F., Gathogo P.N., Kiarie C., Leakey L.N. et al. 2001.  New hominin genus from eastern Africa shows diverse middle Pliocene lineages. Nature, 410:433-40.

Lieberman D.E. (2001): Another face in our family tree. Nature, 410:419-20.

McHenry, H. 1992.  Body size and proportions in early hominids.  American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 85:407-431.

Patterson, B., and W. Howells. 1967. Hominid humeral fragment from early Pleistocene of northwestern Kenya. Science, 156: 64-66.

Ward, C., M. Leakey, and A. Walker.  1999 .  The New Hominid Species Australopithecus anamensis.  Evolutionary Anthropology, 7:197-205

Wolpoff, M. 1999.  Paleoanthropology, 2nd ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill.


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Last revised: 12/9/01